Everyone has heard as long as they have lived in this county that Washington is the birthplace of Texas or heard that Washington is where Texas Became Texas. Usually, these sayings are made with reference to Washington-on-the-Brazos historic site, but in a broader sense these statements apply to our entire county.
The Texas Leadership Summit which happened two weeks ago has the lofty vision of inspiring the next generation of Washington county citizens to become the new leaders of Texas.
I am already seeing seeds of that vision beginning to emerge in five directions. These are in the areas of pastor support, music, pro-life, a family camp, and a community prayer vigil.
You may recall that the Texas Church Leaders came into being as a result of the last TLS in 2022. Their purpose is to show unity in the Body of Christ; to shine a light on darkness in our community, and to give pastors a safe space to get together. Two years later, this group has had major accomplishments that have improved our community from supporting teachers and children's education to bringing trained chaplains into our public schools. You can learn more about them here: https://www.texaschurchleaders.org/
The music at this year's Texas Leadership Summit (TLS) performed by Champion Connective was stunning. To hear a sold-out crowd of 200 people sing their hearts out with the band! Oh my, what an experience!
Champion Connective sang and played new praise songs that they wrote and then performed old favorites, including Christmas hymns. They also have a talented junior band as well as their inspired adult musicians and singers. They make no apologies that all of their lyrics come straight from biblical text.
This past Thursday, 186 people attended a screening of The 1916 Project, a film about Margaret Sanger and the history of Planned Parenthood. Seth Gruber who produced the movie founded The White Rose Resistance which is directed by our own Brenhamite, Clover Carroll. Look for this movie online at www.The1916Project.com. You can watch it or show it at your church free of charge. Then learn about TheWhiteRose.life.
The Monday after the conference, a group including two pastors met at The Cannery Kitchen to hear a presentation about Camp Constitution. Hal Shurtleff, the Director of Camp Constitution for almost 20 years, traveled from New Hampshire on his own dime to share with us how he started his camp and offered ideas on how we may be able to start our own.
Imagine a family camp where parents, grandparents, teenagers, and children hear and question a national speaker like Trevor Loudon or Alex Newman; learn about the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the founding fathers. Then they play and do all the fun things at camp from hiking, swimming, playing games, going to a shooting range, taking field trips, singing, and telling stories around campfires. Check this out at www.CampConstitution.org.
Finally, one of the attendees TLS was my doctor. Margit Riley was so inspired after the conference she is inviting the community to a prayer and fasting vigil. Here is her invitation:
“I am” Chapel Prayer and Fasting Vigil
48-hour Prayer Vigil
7:00 p.m. Sunday Nov 3 until polls close Tue Nov 5 at 7:00 p.m.
But the results are in God’s hands.
Jesus admonished his disciples,
“Some things require prayer and fasting.”
Surely, this is one of those things.
We also know from his word
“A righteous man’s prayer is powerful and effective”
And He promised:
“If those who are called by my name will pray and seek my face and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear their cry, forgive their sins. and heal their land.”
Please join the vigil:
Sunday Nov. 3, 7:00 pm until 7:00 pm Tue., Nov 5th
Sign up for an hour or more
Bring family and friends to pray with you or take shifts while others sleep
(mattresses and beds will be available)
Please DO NOT bring food (coffee and water will be available)
Music and special praise hours TBA
Please email your time commitment.
Call with questions: 832-814-5926
“I am” Chapel 3383 Peter’s Lane, Brenham, Texas
(Just off Old Mill Creek Road)
Before you come, vote EARLY and take others with you.
This one has to be too big to rig.”
I hope you will sign up for the vigil. What an awesome opportunity to pray and reflect.
Revelations 21:18 says, “But cowards, unbelievers, the corrupt, murderers, the immoral, those who practice witchcraft, idol worshipers, and all liars—their fate is in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
Think about this chilling thought that I learned from Trevor Loudon, one of the speakers at TLS about this passage. Mr. Loudon pointed out, "Who goes first? It’s the cowards, then the unbelievers, then everyone else."
Yikes! In other words, cowards are the first to go into the Lake of Fire. Mr. Loudon nailed it when he said, "Cowards have no faith."
This is a crucial point. We owe it to ourselves to be people of faith in Christ and have the courage to face our worst fears.
Is there anything more important than to stand for all human life, to stand for God’s Word, and to protect the land so that God’s Word can be freely read and shared?
We all have the capacity to lead. Let’s take the TLS challenge. Come on, Washington County! Let’s lead Texas!